The benchmark index on the Tokyo Stock Exchange recovered to the 36,000 mark on Tuesday, rising more than 1,200 points from the previous close. Investors placed buy orders for semiconductor, auto and other issues into the afternoon as the currency exchange rates were moving back toward a weaker yen. The Nikkei Stock Average ended the day at 36,232, up 1,207 points from Friday's close. That is its second-biggest gain as a closing price this year. The index finished at above the 36,000 mark for the first time in seven trading days since August 1. The Nikkei 225 posted its biggest-ever single-day drop on August 5. The broader TOPIX index gained 70 points to end the day at 2,553. Market watchers say concerns among investors over a slowdown in the US economy have eased to some extent, prompting investors to buy semiconductor and export-related issues. They say investors are paying attention to key economic indicators, such as the US Consumer Price Index that will be released Wednesday. |