Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi held talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv on Friday. This is the first time Modi has set foot in Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion. Modi and Zelenskyy embraced when they met at a facility dedicated to children who have died in the invasion. The two leaders then had summit talks at the presidential office and signed documents, including one aimed at strengthening bilateral relations. India has long had friendly ties with Russia. It has avoided directly criticizing Moscow over the invasion. Still, Modi conveyed his concerns when he met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow in July. Modi expressed his support for a diplomatic solution through dialogue and diplomacy when he visited Poland on Thursday before heading for Ukraine. During the summit talks, Zelenskyy is believed to have sought Modi's understanding of the reality of the prolonged conflict and Kyiv's position toward peace. Modi's official visit has been drawing attention over what kind of message he delivered to the Ukrainian president. |